Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Clone it!

Something I have been thinking about for a while. The whole cloning issue, how it is in the murky waters of whats ethical and non ethical. And then the Pope urging Korea to give up the whole cloning project kind of brought this on as well. It made me think, is cloning really all that different from what human beings and maybe even nature has done so far?

I mean really, think about it, maybe centuries ago when the first wheel was built, someone must have felt how it is against nature, or even take the fire for instance. Feared by humans and animals; I am sure when the cavemen first made fire they weren't sure if what they were doing was right or not. Many of them must have gotten burnt, many of them might have spoiled their hard to catch food, many might have felt it was the wrath of the God's punishing them for doing something against destiny or mother nature had intended. But what if they had stopped doing it, where would we be today?

So, maybe it is how things are supposed to be. Maybe we are supposed to go ahead and clone and who knows when it might come in handy for the civilization. I haven't read too much into the whole debate off late, so I won't claim to be an expert on the topic, but I just feel that this issue is like a whole lot of other developments in the human society that have taken place over decades and centuries.

Don't we all applaud when a life saving drug is discovered? How many are waiting for a cure to AIDS. How many want a cure to cancer. And it is not just those suffering from those diseases directly or indirectly. Aren't we playing God by curing people of those diseases. Heck, for that matter, aren't we playing God by practicing any kind of medicine? Let the blind remain blind, let the deaf not hear better. Don't save peoples lives in the emergency room, maybe they are just supposed to die that way? And why increase life expectancy so much (which would be another post for another day I guess), who says we are supposed to live 100 years or more, my ancestors probably were lucky to make it past 30's!

No one should stop development. No religion, no political authority should have that right. For who would determine what's right for humanity and whats not? Who would say whats right by the God's and whats the work of Satan? Every step forward, every development has a dark side to be exploited, probably one of the harshest example was the atomic bomb. But then, it is in our hands as human beings to use the developments wisely. It should not be our option to stop taking steps forwards and to place a lid on discovery and invention.

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