Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A little harmless flirtation

I like people. I like watching them (not in a get-away-form-me-you-creepy-woman kind of a way), I like listening to them, I enjoy talking to them, I like the way their mind works. In short, I like people. And it shows, because I like to smile at people. Of course, my shyness and my own self consciousness of my abilities or rather a lack of certain necessary abilities makes me very very wary and hesitant of approaching others. Hence it takes me ages to make friends or rather acquaintances even.

There is a grocery store near my place. It's the place closest to mine more like a filler store for me. I go there anytime I need a couple of items, or small ticket stuff, or heavy stuff that I don't want to lug home from the cheaper store a little far away. Anyways, enough of boring you with the useless background. Let me get to the nitty and the gritty.

So at this store is a sales clerk/checkout clerk. A really sweet guy of maybe my age or a little more. The guy has always been sweet to me- he gives me the sweetest smile every time I see him, and I have always, as I do with other people, smiled at him and made small talk. Today, for the first time I felt that maybe our conversation actually bordered on the line of being just a little flirty.

It all started like this, I was looking at which checkout counter to go to, he spotted me, smiled, so I went to his counter (and before anyone says a word, the other counter was busy). I was looking for a particular product, a little chocolaty snack which is very appropriately named as 'devil square' and the store didn't seem to carry it. So I decided to ask him if they had it in the store. He asked his supervisor and turned out that they didn't even carry stuff by the company that made this product. And then it went on like this:

Me: "that's okay, maybe it's good that you don't carry it!"
Him: "I will try and see if I can get them to get it for you"
Me: "Oh, that would be great! Thanks!"
Him "Maybe I will try one myself?"
Me: "Yeah, you do that, it's really good!"

And so it went. After I left the store I wondered if it would be considered flirting? And for some reason felt happy with that little exchange regardless of the category it fell in. For a person who knows hardly anyone in this strange city, even a little sweet conversation at the grocery store brightens the day.

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