Friday, October 26, 2007

Guilty untill proven innocent?

We are a complex social system. A highly complex social system based on myriad laws and rules established as civilization progressed. To live within those rules is what we know as civilized and to live outside them...well you are an outlaw. The concept of mass justice to an extent is fair enough. While, as per religion, everyone gets punished for their sins after life, the problem is that is like waiting for too long, and we need to punish people right here to ensure that they don't do any more wrong thing.

But I have always been confused about how we decide what is right and what is wrong. WE all have moral standards, but the fact is that my moral standards and my standards for what should be doable are different from what your would be. We have somehow come to an agreement over what some really wrong things would be and thus have a legal system to punish those whom we think are in the wrong, like murderers, rapists, gangsters etc.

The question arises, how do we really know we are in the right? and what happens when someone innocent gets mistakenly punished?

I can not imagine the anguish of this person. I can not imagine the anguish of so many other faceless and nameless men languishing in prisons across the world (now that am writing this TADA comes to mind). It is hard to imagine what a person might go through when they know they are innocent but the world is hell bent on proving them guilty. It is hard to imagine the helplessness & the feeling of betrayal.

This question has always lingered in my mind. What if the world is plotting against you? What if tomorrow, everyone you know wants to prove that you are mentally wouldn't be that hard if 20 people are keen on it. There are ways to do that, aren't there? How would you save yourself? How would you protect your individual right to have a normal and fulfilling life? Freedom, what does it mean anyway? Are we really free? No, freedom is restricted to what the society thinks free should be. Maybe we have given too much power to the society and are forgetting that a human being alone is also an entity in itself. Every system has loopholes, but some just have too big of a personal cost to the people concerned.

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