Monday, August 20, 2007

Of leaving and good bye's

Sometimes, some places leave their stamp on your heart, that it is hard to part, even when you have physically left the space. I have always been a home body. Whatever happened, I knew everything will be alright if I just had my few moments of peace at my home or better yet my room. It was my sanctuary.

A year ago, I left that sanctuary, a little excited a whole lot scared, on my new journey. My attempt to totally revamp my life, and hopes of doing something good with it. In leaving my home, I found a new one. And it was when I left this new home a few months back that I felt such an emptiness inside me I can't describe. It was while leaving this home that I cried, the tears just wouldn't stop. Now that I have had time to think on it, I know why. I still mourn the loss of that new home, for I know that I can never get back no matter how much I want to.

As I move on yet again, to another place I hope I can turn into 'home' I just wanted to leave a tribute to that place that welcomed me, a stranger, with open arms. A place that will always hold a special spot in my heart.

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