Thursday, August 16, 2007


I have always been very methodical in my life. Think of it as a sort of a good habit or bad, but it has mostly come in handy, and like any habit, has been a little hard to break. So even if I had less time to devote to my studies during exams, and knew that reading the introduction and chapters 1 and 2 would bring me in the half-dozing-half-there kind of a position, I would still labor through those endless pages, because there is just no way you can go to chapter 2 without going through chapter 1, it's like trying to be 21 before you are 18 and we all know how THAT ends up!

Now, why did I reveal that detail about myself? Just to explain that while I have a lot of stuff ging on in my head waiting to get posted, I just couldn't imagine starting a blog of mine without giving a proper introduction. And so, whenever the rest gets posted, it's immaterial, so long as the introduction gets there, I know that I have started my blog. Now what remains to be seen is, whether I can see it through and be as committed to it as so many of my friends are.

As most other people, I crave the anonymity the internet has to offer, yet at the same time reaping the benefits of giving others the access to my thoughts, and like one of my blogger friends pointed out, the ego boost of having others agree with me and if they don't well there is nothing they can do about it now, is there? :) So, after lots of thinking, I decided to finally get a start here and see how far I can achieve my objective of anonymity and sharing of thoughts with millions of you people out there.

So here is to wishing me luck and hopes of further acquaintance and conversations!


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